Radasta - Vilnius Lithuania

‘RADASTA’ is an amateur folklore group with people of different ages and professions taking part in it – engineers, economists, teachers, etc. Apart from songs, dances and games it has always been deeply interested in the origin of folk traditions, peculiarities of dialects. All members of the group reside in Vilnius at present, but many of them descended from different regions of Lithuania. These deference are noticeable on scenic costumes of participants.


The word ‘Radasta’ means a perfectly smelling wild rose, the flower, that is widely spread in Lithuania.
‘Radasta’ gave its first performance in 1981. At present it can boast a wide repertoire collected from both folklore archives and country peoplem whom they meet during their trips to various districts of Lithuania. The first folklore expedition to the southern part of the country was in 1984, and we communicate with the people from this place up to now. Afterwards many other times expeditions to different regions of Lithuania were arranged. The members of the group study history of the country, maintain and popularise ethnic culture.

The group has been very active since the very first days of its existence. It has given many concerts in Lithuanian towns, villages, different places of Vilnius. It has been performed numerous concerts for the public singing and dancing at schools, enterprises, exhibitions and fairs. The group participates at traditional every year folklore festival ‘Skamba skamba kankliai’ in Vilnius, traditional international Festival ‘Baltika’, world Lithuaniuans festivals. It presented Lithuania in the World Folklore Festival in Canada 1990, was invited and participated at the Christmas performances in the Netherlands, International Folklore Festivals in Switzerland, Germany, went to concert tours to Romania, Russia, Finland, France, Norway.


Stage program:

Some names of our dances. "As ozelis Mikitu" - man's dance, about the stubborn he-goat. "Lestinga" - imitation of bird swallow. "Keturine polka" - polka of 4 dancers. "Anes polka" - polka of name Ane. "Veins pas kita" - each to other. "Subatele" - pet name of Saturday. "Sulamo valsas" - specific walz. "Malunelis" - mill. "Siauciukas" - about sewing, "Aleksandravo valsas" - walz by Aleksandravas.

Without translation: "Vajaunas", "Gailingis", "Gyvataras", "Gyvatukas", "Kumpakojis", "Rupuze", "Septinpedis", "Oira", "Knistuskine", and many others.

And of course very specific quadrilles and "Jonkelis".

Song's names: "Bekie zirgelia", "Pilele", "Bare tevelis", "Kad as jojau per laukeli", "Mes broliukai du du du"

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